... system1.1
Many of the Prolog components of XSB are originally based on PSB-Prolog [53], which itself is based on version 2.0 of SB-Prolog [18].
... interface,1.2
InterProlog is available at www.declarativa.com/InterProlog/default.htm.
... results).2.1
This convention does not apply to the subdirectories of the examples directory, which illustrate advanced features of XSB.
... symbols 3.1
Operator symbols can be exported as any other symbols, but their precedence must be redeclared in the importing module.
The standard predicates of XSB are listed in $XSB_DIR/syslib/std_xsb.P.
... XSB3.3
Any parallelisation directives (parallel) are simply ignored by the compiler, but do not result in syntax errors to enhance compatibility with various other earlier versions of PSB-Prolog.
... systems3.4
The most common uses of mode declarations in Prolog systems are to reduce the size of compiled code, or to speed up a predicate's execution.
... factoring:3.5
Unification factoring was once called transformational indexing, hence the abbreviation ti in the compiler directives
We use the term ``answer set'' to describe the set of answers associated with a given subgoal during a given state of computation. As such, it has no relation to the use of the term ``answer set'' in the non-monotonic literature.
... HREF="node72.html#sec:table-aggregation">5.45.2
We also note that the library subsumes contains routines for checking variance and subsumption.
... aborted5.3
A more sophisticated solution is proposed in [46].
... release6.1
We also note that the ISO Prolog evaluable functors sign/1, float_round/1, float_truncate/1, float_integer_part/1 and float_fractional_part/1 are not implemented in Version 2.5.
... module6.2
The only limitation is that blah must indeed be a module in the sense that it exports at least one symbol.
... 0}.9.1
A term like
{foo} is just a syntactic-sugar for the term
... brackets.9.2
Readers familiar with Quintus Prolog may notice the difference in the treatment of the various kinds of not. For example, in Quintus Prolog a not/1 that is not enclosed within curly brackets is interpreted as a non-terminal grammar symbol.