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Negation and Control


Cut (discard) all choice points made since the parent goal started execution. Cuts across tabled predicates are not valid. The compiler checks for such cuts, although whether the scope of a cut includes a tabled predicate is undecidable in the presence of meta-predicates like call/1. Further discussion of conditions allowing cuts and of their actions can be found in Section 5.1.


If the goal P has a solution, fails, otherwise it succeeds. Equivalently, it is true iff call(P) (see Section 6.8) is false. Argument P must be ground for sound negation as failure, although no runtime checks are made by the system.

The standard predicate fail_if/1 is compiled by the XSB compiler.


P is not instantiated.
P is not a callable term.

Exactly the same as fail_if/1. Its existence is only for compatibility with other Prolog systems.

not +P

If the goal P has a solution, fails, otherwise it succeeds. It is defined by:
	not(P) :- call(P), !, fail.

Argument P must be ground for sound negation, although no runtime checks are made by the system.

Note that in contrast to the other two kinds of negation as failure ( $ \tt '\backslash+'\!/1$ and fail_if/1), predicate not/1 is not compiled by the compiler but the above definition is used.

Exceptions: The same as call/1 (see Section 6.8).

The semantics of tnot/1 allows for correct execution of programs with according to the well-founded semantics. P must be a tabled predicate, For a detailed description of the actions of tabled negation for in XSB Version 2.5 see [40,42]. Chapter 5 contains further discussion of the functionality of tnot/1.


P is not ground (floundering occurs).
P is not a callable term.
P is not a call to a tabled predicate.

If +P is a tabled predicate, sk_not/1 acts as tnot/1 but permits variables in its subgoal argument. This replaces the 't not'/1 predicate of earlier XSB versions whose implementation and semantics were dubious. The semantics in the case of unbound variables is as follows:
... :- ..., sk_not(p(X)), ...
is equivalent to
... :- ..., tnot(pp), ...
pp :- p(X).
where pp is a new proposition. Thus, the unbound variable X is treated as $ \tt tnot(\exists X (p(X)))$.

If +P is a non-tabled predicate ensures that +P is ground and called via a tabled predicate so that sk_not/1 can be used with non-tabled predicates as well, regardless of whether +P is ground or not.

P -> Q ; R

Analogous to if P then Q else R, i.e. defined as if by
	(P -> Q ; R) :- P, !, Q.
	(P -> Q ; R) :- R.

P -> Q

When occurring other than as one of the alternatives of a disjunction, is equivalent to:
P -> Q ; fail.


Generates an infinite sequence of choice points (in other words it provides a very convenient way of executing a loop). It is defined by the clauses:
	repeat :- repeat.

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Luis Fernando P. de Castro 2003-06-27