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Summary of xsbdoc: A Documentation System for XSB based on lpdoc

xsbdoc is an automatic program documentation generator for Tabled (C)LP systems written using XSB. Its code is based in part on the Ciao [6] system's lpdoc which has been adapted to generate a reference manual automatically from one or more XSB source files. The target format of the documentation can be Postscript, HTML, PDF, or nicely formatted ASCII text. xsbdoc can be used to automatically generate a description of full applications, library modules, README files, etc. A fundamental advantage of using xsbdoc to document programs is that it is much easier to maintain a true correspondence between the program and its documentation, and to identify precisely to what version of the program a given printed manual corresponds. Naturally, the xsbdoc manual is generated by xsbdoc itself.

The quality of the documentation generated can be greatly enhanced by including within the program text:

The assertions and comments included in the source file need to be written using the forthcoming XSB assertion language, which supports most of the features of Ciao's assertion language within a simple and (hopefully) intuitive syntax.

xsbdoc is distributed under the GNU general public license.

Unlike lpdoc, xsbdoc does not use Makefiles, and instead maintains information about how to generate a document within Prolog format files. As a result, xsbdoc can in principle be run in any environment that supports the underlying software, such as XSB, LATEX, dvips and so on. It has been tested on Linux and Windows running with Cygwin.

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Luis Fernando P. de Castro 2003-06-27