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Summary of XASP: Answer Set Programming using XSB

The term Answer Set Programming (ASP) describes a paradigm in which logic programs are interpreted using the (extended) stable model semantics. While the stable model semantics is quite elegant, it has radical differences from traditional program semantics based on Prolog. First, stable model semantics applies only to ground programs; second stable model semantics is not goal-oriented - determining whether a stable model is true in a program involves examing each clause in a program, regardless of whether the goal would depends on the clause in a traditional evaluation.

Despite (or perhaps because of) these differences, ASP has proven to be a useful paradigm for solving a variety of combinatorial programs. Indeed, determining a stable model for a logic program can be seen as an extension of the NP-complete problem of propositional satisfiability, so that satisfiability problems that can be naturally represented as logic programs can be solved using ASP.

The current generation of ASP systems are very efficient for determining whether a program has a stable model (analogous to whether the program, taken as a set of propositional axioms, is satisfiable). However, ASP systems have somewhat primitive file-based interfaces. XSB is a natural complement to ASP systems. Its basis in Prolog provides a procedural couterpart for ASP, as described in Chapter 5 of Volume 1 of this manual; and XSB's computation of the Well-founded semantics has a well-defined relationship to stable model semantics. Furthermore, deductive-database-like capabilities of XSB allow it to be an efficient and flexible grounder for many ASP problems.

The XASP package provides various mechanisms that allow tight linkage of XSB programs to the SModels [14] stable model generator. The main interface is based on a store of clauses that can be incrementally asserted or deleted by an XSB program. Clauses in this store can make use of all of the cardinality and weight constraint syntax supported by SModels, in addition to default negation. When the user decides that the clauses in a store are a complete representation of a program whose stable model should be generated, the clauses are copied into SModels buffers. Using the Smodels API, the generator is invoked, and information about any stable models generated are returned. This use of XASP is roughly analagous to building up a constraint store in CLP, and periodically evaluating that store, but integration with the store is less transparent in XASP than in CLP. In XASP, clauses must be explicitly added to a store and evaluated; furthermore clauses are not removed from the store upon backtracking, unlike constraints in CLP.

The XNMR interpreter provides a second, somewhat more implicit use of XASP. In the XNMR interface a query Q is evaluated as is any other query in XSB. However, conditional answers produced for Q and for its subgoals, upon user request, can be considered as clauses and sent to SModels for evaluation. In backtracking through answers for Q, the user backtracks not only through answer substitutions for variables of Q, but also through the stable models produced for the various bindings.

The current version of XASP is based on the SModels API. Other stable model generators that provide low-level C interfaces may be incorporated in XASP in the future.

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Luis Fernando P. de Castro 2003-06-27