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The XSB System
Version 2.5
Volume 2: Libraries, Interfaces and Packages

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Interfaces have become an increasingly important part of XSB. The interface from C to Prolog was implemented by David Warren as was the DLL interface; the interface from Prolog to C (foreign language interface) was developed by Jiyang Xu, Kostis Sagonas and Steve Dawson. The Oracle interface was written by Hassan Davulcu and Ernie Johnson. The ODBC took as its starting point the Oracle interface, and was written by Lily Dong and Baoqiu Cui, and maintained by David Warren. The interface to POSIX regular expression and wildcard matching as well as the Libwww-based Web access package was written by Michael Kifer. The interface to Perl pattern matching routines was written by Michael Kifer and Jin Yu. The SModels interface was written by Luis F. Castro.

The SLX preprocessor was written by José Júlio Alferes and Luís Moniz Pereira. Unix-style scripting libraries were written by Terrance Swift, and the ordset library was written by Richard O'Keefe.

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Luis Fernando P. de Castro 2003-06-27